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#5d #ascension #awakening #goldenage #newearth #raiseyourvibration #spiritualawakening #spirituality

In this blog we will be shifting dimensions, jumping timelines together and learning how to raise our vibrational frequency so that we can start access our multidimensionality, which gives us access to 12 dimensions within our current Universal Time Matrix which is an organized field in which Human Angelics were seeded within for this particular experience of our creation. 


Humanity is currently accessing 3 primary dimensions and states of consciousness at this juncture of our ascension cycle, which is 3D, 4D and 5D. These are not physical places per se, but rather states of awareness and embodiment based on our personal light accretion, level of frequency vibration and level of consciousness expansion, which rapidly shifts as we wake up to the truth, clear trauma, mind control programs, false belief systems and do the shadow work. The majority of the global population is teetering between third and fourth density, which means with the new higher frequencies available to us these souls are slowly beginning to awaken to a higher reality potential that exists beyond the constructs of their old cultural and societal beliefs, mind control programming and living on autopilot within 3D. However, many are still deeply enmeshed within service-to-self negative ego programs and false beliefs that must be transcended before they can fully access higher densities and shift from 3D to 4D, and then ultimately 5D.

Those who have reached 4D have awakened to the game of duality, broken free from the control matrix, connected back to their intuition and heart, and are focused on their spiritual evolution and being of service to humanity. Much of the spiritual community has attained a lower level of 4D consciousness, and these are the groups that are on the front lines of our awakening using their co-creative potentials to contribute in creating a New Earth. 4D is where we start accessing our higher sensory abilities and psychic powers, and is also the astral plane where the collective consciousness thought forms and lower astral entities exist, and can also lead many awakening souls into illusion, fantasy, hijack, negative ego behaviors, messiah & hero/savior complex and false light deception, if not careful. 4D is our heart chakra and soul matrix, and once we tap into this level there can be a strong battle between the ego mind and the heart as this becomes the bridge to accelerate our ascension and evolution, and pushes us even harder to ultimately ascend to 5D and become Ascended Masters.

The fifth dimension D5 is where we are striving to be, which at this stage we are beyond duality and are in a state of pure love, unity consciousness and universal service, however, this is not to be confused with spiritual bypassing and illusion. Within this state of consciousness we encompass all dimensions below and begin plugging into a universal understanding of creation. Once we reach a fifth dimensional state of consciousness we will be existing within our Crystalline Lightbody and will transcend beyond all fear, trauma and suffering, for once we reach this higher state we no longer choose suffering to evolve. Within this state there is instant manifestation, telepathy and a reunion of all of our magic! All services here are exchanged through the pure joy of giving in a state of unconditional love without any motive to monetize or be rewarded. The reward is the act of love in itself. There is no self-serving agendas and everyone unifies through oneness and Christ Consciousness.


How do we raise our frequency so we can begin accessing these higher aspects of ourselves and higher dimensions? In one sense it can sound easy, just be more loving, but do you really think our creation game would be that simple? I don't think so. ha!

Ascension is achieved through the raising of your frequency by embodying more light which ultimately, over time, activates the Crystalline Light Body. The more you raise your vibration you will escalate to a higher pulsating scale in which you will then be given the keys & ascension codes to your multidimensional awareness. The prerequisite is the clearing of negative karmic overlays within your cellular memory, integrating polarity, and then holding higher emotions of love, unity and oneness which automatically expands your consciousness. The more light one is able to accrete, consume & embody within the bioenergetic field, the higher one's consciousness will ascend up the harmonic scale and have access to higher dimensions above your current state of awareness. Since the "ascension" window opened in 2012 we have been receiving ultra high frequencies within our cells & DNA that has been accelerating our transmutation process, rapidly pushing us to evolve at a faster rate. Many are now accessing higher frequencies (5D & higher) which are attainable through higher heart activation/soul matrix embodiment.

We cannot reach higher waves of light by living in fear or enmeshing ourselves in the lower 3D world which holds a lower vibration. The current external reality was designed to block people from accessing their higher spiritual potentials and direct connection to spirit by continuously holding the race in lower consciousness using various fear tactics and forms of control. If you want to "ascend", you first have to raise you frequency through the medium of LOVE. The task of raising our frequency can be extremely challenging and take a very long time because we are all carrying so many layers of karmic overlays, burdens, implants, negative programming, cords, attachments and all of the intense recordings of our ancient past stored within our cellular memory. There is no quick fix or skipping steps when it comes to the process of ascension and raising our personal frequency. So if someone tries to convince you that by purchasing their services or working with them they will able to activate your 12 strand DNA for you, RUN the other way! I mention this because it happens often within the New Age spiritual community.


Those of you who have been following me for years know how much I always drive home the critical component and prerequisite for our ascension journey, and that is SHADOW WORK! This is not the fun stuff and takes commitment and a willingness to walk through the fire over and over again as we lovingly face all the fragmented parts of ourselves so we can be restored and made whole again. Shadow work is guaranteed to amplify your personal vibration at levels unimaginable. I couldn't believe what opened up for me, how much expansion I achieved and amount of light I began to embody once I began the journey of facing all the hidden layers of myself, and ventured into the "shadows." So much weight and density is lifted from your cells, DNA and energy field, and the veils that blocked you from accessing your higher self are lifted the more and more you peel away all the layers that block you from your original state of purity, love & joy.

For those of you you want to dive deeper into your shadow work, I created an amazing shadow workbook for spiritual transformation that I put a lot of love into to assist all my beloveds who feel the calling. This book has helped me and so may others on our healing journey and I know it will help you too! You can purchase the workbook in our store now!

Purchase our Shadow Workbook for Deep Self Exploration that will lead you to Spiritual Transformation. This book has helped hundreds remove their blocks and accelerate their awakening path!


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