Ajna Love

Ajna is the founder of School of Divine Mastery, a spiritual sanctuary designed to ignite the sacred fire within you, unlocking the dormant wisdom and power of your soul. 

Ajna is a starseeded cosmic oracle, ascension teacher, intuitive spiritual coach, astrologer, health & wellness detox specialist and etheric energy healing expert who has dedicated her journey being in full time service for 15+ years. She has been a full-time student of the cosmos, studying the mechanics of sacred spiritual science, galactic history, ascension technologies and ancient wisdom, working full-time on self-mastery, healing, research, reactivation and integration of her sacred mission. She is a natural born intuitive empath and was tapping into her higher sensory perception and mediumistic abilities at a very young age. 

A bridge between the old world and the new, Ajna's mission is to help restore love, unity, the Law of One and the real galactic teachings of our origins back on planet earth, while lovingly & gently hand holding all who forgot who they are and got lost in the dark. She has personally assisted thousands of beautiful souls on their journey, helping them to remember who they are and reminding them that they are their own healers and have everything they need within. Her mission is to assist in the restoration and healing of the heart & soul of humanity paving the way for planetary liberation into the Golden Age.

Saha Ra

Saha Ra is co-founder of School of Divine Mastery and the sacred partner to Ajna Love. On the day Saha was reunited with Ajna there was an incredible synchronicity and energetic wave of light that was exchanged between them which immediately opened the gateway to their remembrance of having been together before. Their love became the catalyst to their awakening, instantly activating their cellular memory, ascension codes and their divine mission on earth as twin souls who were meant to walk the path of spiritual stewardship together as wayshowers of God. 

Saha is an ancient Indigo soul, a Shaman and an intuitive empath, who incarnated into this lifetime with a very defined mission to bring justice, truth, healing and liberation to humanity. Through an immense amount of trials, tribulations and determination, Saha became a pathcutter in his lineage, reconnected to divine love and his connection to Source and has surrendered to the divine flow of the universe. He offers his loving heart, valuable wisdom, and guidance as a teacher, spiritual life coach, divine relationship coach and New Earth business consultant. He walks a path of devotion in both personal and business relationships, sharing the spiritual principles of the Law of One. His own journey took him from the bustling world of Wall Street, where he lost himself in a corrupt system, to a beautiful rebirth that led to his discovery of the true riches of spirit and love. From rags to spiritual riches, Saha learned that the most profound wealth lies in love, connection and awakening.

Together with Ajna, Saha teaches ascension through session work, community gatherings and online masterclasses and leads sacred healing ceremonies infused with divine love, guiding others to bring their own divine masculine and feminine (Hieros Gamos) into wholeness. Their love story is one of transformation, commitment, and deep devotion, and they are passionate about educating others and assisting them in manifesting divine love, perfect health and abundance in their lives. 

I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed with the awakening process...

We are alive during an incredible time of a massive planetary awakening after living in amnesia within a fallen system for thousands of years! We are breaking free and ready to spread our wings but many of us are feeling confused and stuck like we keep hitting a glass ceiling and are not sure where to start. 

If you are reading these words right now it is fair to say something created a spark within you that became the seed point to your awakening process and you are ready to dive deeper into the incredible sacred wisdom of our creation. 

You are beginning to remember who you are and are plugging back into the desire to know the truth and reconnect to your soul & spirit. You are ready to be elevated and initiated to a life filled with abundance, optimal health, sacred connections and soul driven purpose.

Just like you, I wanted answers, guidance and healing support but did not know who to turn to at the time of my awakening. It was a lonely journey of discovery, healing and transformation that led me deep into the underworld where I faced my shadow time and time again. Little did I know I was in training to become the initiate and the alchemist, finding my spirit in the dark.

For the past 15 years I have been in full devotion and dedication to my awakening and self-mastery journey alongside of my beloved twin soul, and have done so much of the required work that is needed to expand my consciousness and elevate to the next stage of my evolution. I was in deep isolation, had several dark-night-of-the-soul experiences, confusion, grief and an existential crises that I thought would never end.

Little did I know...

After a long treacherous journey of deep trauma healing, shadow work, soul retrieval, and through an incredible out-of-body experience where I was one with the light and tapped into my personal hall of records spanning over lifetimes, I was divinely guided by my higher self spiritual council teams, to step into my sacred mission as a spiritual steward and ascension teacher. My mission has been to share all of my experiences and embodied wisdom with humanity providing all of the wisdom, tools and guidance that is guaranteed to accelerate your healing on all levels, activate your divine remembrance and provide you with all the tools, keys and codes that will allow you to step into your highest souls mission for evolution and leadership.

We all have a story that we are here to share and a beautiful role we are here to play.

It is time to remember who you are, where you came from, why you are here and to activate the dormant codes of wisdom that you are carrying within you. School of Divine Mastery is the stepping stone and catalyst that will elevate you into your highest potential and embodiment.

At the School of Divine Mastery, we are here for those who are serious about their soul’s growth and ready to step up into their highest embodiment as evolved versions of themselves and spiritual leaders.

I believe that everyone deserves to know the truth of our existence and have easy access to the keys, codes and protocols that will elevate their personal awakening path...

I have spent the last 15 years helping thousands of people on their healing and ascension journey and am fully devoted to your path of divine mastery!


Activating the dormant wisdom codes you already hold within your cellular memory, akasha & DNA.


Elevating your frequency, consciousness and vibration to the energetic level needed to achieve divine mastery.


Initiating you to the highest levels of soul, monadic and avatar embodiment through sacred teachings & guidance.


Through deep study, contemplation and personal application you will reach a level of ascended mastery.

We are here to help set you free from the 3D matrix and step into the higher Golden age timeline.

By confiding in us you will not only accelerate your awakening path, heal your trauma and activate your souls higher purpose,  you will save years of time, money and energy and literally be able to step into your new elevated life immediately! Are you ready to be the master of your energy and step into the highest timeline?

We are here to help set you free from the 3D matrix and step into the higher Golden Age timeline.

The true healer & Wayshower of God has had firsthand experience with the darkness and the Divine – they have been to hell, to heaven and everywhere in-between, and understands the true alchemy of the spiritual journey from the physical reality to the ethers and has given their lives fully as a conduit of God Source energy. 


Spiritual Awakening Checklist:
20 Signs You’re Ascending & How to Navigate the Journey

In this checklist, you’ll discover 20 key signs that you’re ascending, along with practical tips on how to navigate challenges, integrate higher consciousness, and thrive on your spiritual path.